March 7 BandonCares Networking Dinner Invitation: Reminder to Register

by | Feb 28, 2017 | Event

All non-profit organizations serving the Bandon Area are invited to our semi-annual BandonCares Networking dinner and meeting on Tuesday night, March 7 at the Bandon Community Center starting at 5:30. Hear about what your fellow non-profit organizations in Bandon are up to, share some of your activities and events and learn from our keynote speaker on “Rural Volunteerism: Engaging & Retaining Valuable Volunteers”.

Registration is available on our website:

BandonCares is an effort among Bandon non-profit organizations to encourage collaboration among themselves. It hopes to build the capacity of local non-profit organizations and to improve communication and cooperation among leaders and volunteers of these organizations.

Non-profit organizations from throughout the area are invited to send two representatives to the spring networking event. There will be an opportunity for each organization to share what is going on at their organization as well as to share with the community any upcoming events or fundraisers.

Doors will open at 5:00 with dinner provided by BandonCares beginning at 5:30. Our keynote program will follow.

One in four Americans (over 62 million) volunteer annually, how many of them volunteer at your organization? Do you have trouble recruiting or retaining volunteers? Do you often wonder why people aren’t as devoted and passionate about what you do as you are? Do you ask yourself who is going to volunteer when you can’t do it anymore?

Volunteers are often the hearts and hands of our organizations. Volunteers provide vital services, particularly in our rural communities. Vanessa Becker’s presentation will explore the care and nurturing of volunteers and introduce basic best practices to take back to your organization.

Vanessa A. Becker, the founder and principal consultant at V Consulting, is a native Oregonian who has devoted her life to improving communities. She offers over 20 years of experience in the non-profit and government industries. Her expertise spans from grassroots non-profits, executive government administration and successful corporate business-making her a successful “tri-sector athlete”. Vanessa has devoted much of her professional career to volunteering herself, including being a direct service volunteer, a board member, a volunteer manager, a trainer of volunteers and a presenter and trainer on volunteerism. Vanessa is an adaptable, dynamic and motivating speaker, infusing humor and storytelling into all her speaking engagements.

Following Vanessa’s presentation, all non-profit organizations in attendance will get their opportunity to report out. So come on out, find out what is happening in Bandon’s non-profit world, learn more about recruiting and retaining volunteers and enjoy dinner and the comradery of your fellow local non-profit organizations.

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