COVID-19: Coos County Moves to Phase 2 Saturday – More Guidance

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Event

Good afternoon all,
Coos County’s request to move to Phase Two Recovery has been approved and is effective Saturday. Some of this is repetitive, but I am updating all the guidance to come out of Salem on Phase Two.

Missing Phase 2 guidance is now on-line:


Venues & Event Operators Guidance:

Gatherings / General Guidance: [cap for venues is 250]


Baseline guidance for zoos/museums/gardens is up as well:


New exec order is not up yet, but will include updated travel guidance for Phase 2.

Other Phase 2 guidance:


County Guidance for Entering Phase 2


Indoor & Outdoor Entertainment Facilities Guidance


Restaurants & Bars Guidance


Swimming Pools, Spas, & Sports Courts Guidance


Recreational Sport Guidance

Harv Schubothe
BandonCares Steering Committee
Greater Bandon Association
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