Southwestern Oregon Preppers (SWOP) will be holding a meeting at Noon on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at the Langlois Community Church, 94284 Main Street, Langlois, OR 97450.
The main topic is "What Disasters Can You Outwalk?". You keep hearing about bugout bags and grab-and-go kits but have you really thought about if you can actually outwalk a disaster? Let’s face it, you probably can’t run while wearing a heavy pack. Time to consider reality and real options.
SWOP meetings always start with a question and answer period before the main topic so all in attendance get a chance to participate.
This is a free public meeting to get to know fellow local preppers in southwestern Oregon counties and to exchange information and ideas. It is important for individuals to understand that they will be “on their own” in the event of a disaster and not to depend on receiving outside help.