Engaging regional funders to support Oregon’s Nonprofits
NAO has reached out to regional funders through our partners at Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington. We are alerting them to the important actions that you are taking to respond to this crisis and the enormous negative impact COVID-19 is having on our sector. We are asking them to immediately invest in the work you are doing, be flexible in how their funds are being used, and support operations for their trusted partners. We are pleased to share that GOSW President and Chief Executive Officer Kendall Clawson has invited me to speak with regional funders tomorrow and I will report back what I can on actions they are taking to support you.
We want to hear from you on how COVID-19 is impacting your organizations. How is your nonprofit being impacted, what are the challenges your nonprofit is having to deal with, and where what information and resources to you need. Send us your thoughts to: executivedirector.
We strongly encourage you to continue to follow the advice of public health officials and the government, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, practice social distancing, and take care of yourselves and your loved ones. We will continue to update our Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Resources page.
We know that many nonprofits are on the frontline in situations such as this and that Oregonians rely on you to help support our communities, especially the vulnerable and those who need support. Thank you for all you do in our communities especially during this very challenging time. |