We want to make you aware of and have you mark your calendars for three opportunities that are coming up very quickly.
We have a new tax bill that has become the law of the land.
On Thursday, January 11, you can join us at the Bandon Community Center for a webinar “How the New Tax Law Impacts Charitable Non-Profits” put on by the Nonprofit Association of Oregon in partnership with the National Council of Nonprofits.
The webinar starts at noon and we will have pizza, salad, and cookies for those who join us. This is a free event and you do not need to register with NAO if you are joining our site but an RSVP in reply to this e-mail to us will be very helpful for our planning purposes.
There is a 4 session Grant Writing Series beginning on February 8th from 10-3 in Coos Bay “Learn By Doing-Grant Writing”. Meredith Howell is one of the best in the business when it comes to teaching on this subject.
And here is the good news. BandonCares will be offering one scholarship per organization to cover the $95 cost of the series. Information on the series is attached. To register for the workshops, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y5MWP9C. You can indicate that BandonCares scholarship will cover your costs. Again, it is only one scholarship per organization as there are only 45 slots and there is another organization also offering scholarships. Sign up soon as slots will go quickly. Meredith can be reached at 541-760-6255 for questions.
Learn By Doing – Grant Writing – Registration Survey
Web survey powered by SurveyMonkey.com. Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey’s expert certified FREE templates
Registration is open for BandonCares Networking Dinner on Tuesday, January 30 at the Bandon Community Center with doors opening at 5 PM. To register, go to https://bandoncares.org/event-registration/.
Fundraising will be the featured topic, but, most of all, this is an opportunity for non-profit organizations serving Bandon to share program updates as well as events and fundraisers they have planned for 2018. Most of the evening will be dedicated to this. There may be opportunities to collaborate with other organizations with these events.
Please call 541-297-2342 if you would like more information on these opportunities.
Harv Schubothe, Chairperson
Bandon Steering Committee.