Mark your calendar for the final Extension nutrition presentation of the season. In collaboration with Coos Head Food Coop and North Bend Public Library, I will be presenting:
Say NO to Disease, Preventing and reversing disease by generating nitric oxide (NO) with whole foods
Wed, Dec 18, at 5:30 pm in the North Bend Public Library (see attached flier)
This class is free! You’ll receive lots of great resources & recipes. We are also planning a food tasting.
Please register so I know how many to plan for: 541-572-5263 ext 25292. Or you can email me your name and phone number if you’re planning to attend.
See you there!
Stephanie Polizzi, MPH, RDN, CHES, FAND
Oregon State University
OSU Extension Coos/Curry l College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Family & Community Health
631 Alder Street, Myrtle Point, OR 97458
Work) 541-572-5263 ext 25291
Mobile) 541-404-7982