Saturday Seminar Series Sponsored by South Coast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
with Dr. Ruth Miller, PhD
will be held at Evergreen Court (Evergreen is part of BayCrest Village in North Bend)onJune 2 from 2-4 pm
Parking is available on the upper level and then a short walk down to entrance.
In the 1990s a Japanese scientist captured the world’s imagination with his beautiful photographs of the crystals that water forms. Water takes on a lovely shape as positive words are spoken or it is surrounded by pleasing musical vibrations. Dr. Ruth Miller was part of the team who brought Dr. Emoto’s work to this country and has continued to collect relevant research. In this presentation and dialogue she will place his crystals in the context of both older and more recent research and helps us to understand how water responds to its environment and what that means for us and our well-being – now and in the future.