10/6/18 Ruth L. Miller, PhD Q&A Session

by | Sep 30, 2018 | Event

Ruth L. Miller, PhD will offer a Question and Answer session on
Saturday, October 6th at Evergreen Court, 451 O’Connell Street,
from 2-4 pm in the Theater Room.

Rev. Miller integrates modern science and ancient wisdom through books, classes, and individual guidance sessions. Her work is described as a synthesis of all things relevant to human potential.

In her effort to understand the nature of consciousness, Ruth works with Gaia Living Systems Institute as partners with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)on their new research project: Is Channeling Real?

As part of managing the literature review for the project, she is helping to establish a database of information about how the activities known as channeling, or medium-ship, work and what really happens when people share information that seems to come from un-explainable non-physical sources.

Dr. Miller has taught dozens of classes and workshops on new paradigms, systems thinking, and futures research in addition to world religions, science & religion, metaphysics, and the business of ministry.
She earned her doctorate in Systems Science from Portland State University, and her M.S. in Cybernetic Systems from San Jose State University.
This opportunity is sponsored by the South Coast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, which meets on Sundays at 10 am at the Dolphin Theater in Empire.

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